Prof. Charles Ackah

Prof. Charles Ackah
Associate Professor

  • Employment policy and poverty outcomes
  • Economic policy choices and distributive outcomes of macroeconomic policies, including gender dimensions.

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Ackah, C. and Aryeetey, E. (2011), “The global financial crisis and African economies: impact and transmission channels”, African Development Review, Vol. 23, No. 4, 407–420.

Ackah, C. (2011), “Nonfarm employment and incomes in rural Ghana”, Journal of International Development. DOI: 10.1002/jid.1846 (early bird view online publication).

Ackah, C. and Arthur, B. and Quartey, P. (2011), “The impact of the financial crisis on Ghana’s economy”, The Sub-Saharan Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 3-28.


Ackah, C. and Aryeetey, E. (editors), (in print), Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana. Sub-Saharan Publishers: Accra.

Chapters in Books:

Ackah, C. and Baah-Boateng, W. (2011), “Trends in Growth, Employment and Poverty in Ghana.” Chapter 3 in Ackah, C. and E. Aryeetey (eds.) Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana(forthcoming).

Ackah, C., Aryeetey, E., and Opoku, K. (2011), “Employment and wage effects of trade liberalization: The case of Ghanaian manufacturing”. Chapter 4 in Ackah, C. and E. Aryeetey (eds.)Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana (forthcoming).

(2011), “Trade liberalization and productivity among Ghanaian manufacturing firms”. Chapter 6 in Ackah, C. and E. Aryeetey (eds.) Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana (forthcoming), (with Ernest Aryeetey).

Ackah, C. and Aryeetey, E. (2011), “Cash Cropping, Gender and Household Welfare”. Chapter 10 in Ackah, C. and E. Aryeetey (eds.) Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana (forthcoming).

Ackah, C., Botchie, D., and Osei, R. (2011), “Global Integration, Price Transmission and Household Welfare in Ghana”. Chapter 11 in Ackah, C. and E. Aryeetey (eds.) Globalization, Trade and Poverty in Ghana (forthcoming).

Ackah, C. and Lay, J. (2009), “GenderImpactsofAgriculturalLiberalisation:EvidencefromGhana”.Chapter 8in MaurizioBussoloandR.E.DeHoyos(eds.)GenderAspectsoftheTrade andPoverty Nexus:AMicro-MacroApproach.PalgraveMacmillan:NewYork.

Working Papers

Ackah, C. and Medvedev, D. (2010), “Internal Migration in Ghana: Determinants and Welfare Impacts”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 5273, World Bank.

Ackah, C., Aryeetey, E., Aryee, J., and Clottey, E. (2010), “State-Business Relations and Economic Performance in Ghana”, IPPG Discussion Paper Series, No. 35, University of Manchester.

Ackah, C., Aryeetey, E. and Aryeetey, E. B-D, (2009), “Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries: Case of Ghana”, Global Financial CrisisDiscussionSeriesPaper5,ODI,London.

Ackah, C., te Velde, D., Ajakaiye, O., Aryeetey, E., and others, (2009), “The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries: Synthesis of the Findings of 10CountryCaseStudies”,WorkingPaper306,ODI, London.

Ackah, C., Ahiadeke, C. and Fenny, A. (2009), “Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation in Ghana”, Global Development Network (GDN) Research Paper No. 14.

Ackah, C. and Morrissey, O. (2005),“TradePolicyandPerformanceinSub-SaharanAfricasincethe1980s”,EconomicResearch Working Paper no. 78, African Development Bank: Tunis.
