
Our training programme is backed by the understanding that change starts in the classroom. This translates into an approach that focuses on training the next generation of leaders.

A period of study at ISSER can be academically and personally enriching. It is also a great career credential. Our programmes are designed to enable students to study in ways that will be useful for their future professional lives. We apply a range of teaching methodologies that reflect the complexity of development studies, which are carefully selected to meet the learning outcomes of each course. For all our programmes, we use a combination of intensive classroom training and hands-on skill-building.

A diverse range of resources are available to students and these include:

  • a stimulating programme of academic seminars, and other discussion platforms – which provide a fabulous opportunity for students  to learn about current development issues, and also to network and interact with a wide range of internal and external speakers.
  • A wide variety of high-level expertise and experience available at ISSER – into which students can tap.
  • the RIPS/ISSER Library
  • the Balme Libraryand a range of other resources available in the University of Ghana