Prof. Robert Darko Osei

Prof. Robert Darko Osei

Robert Darko Osei is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Legon, and also the Vice Dean for the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Ghana. Robert has published widely in edited volumes and top international journals. His main areas of research include evaluative poverty and rural research, macro and micro implications of fiscal policies, aid effectiveness and other economic development policy concerns. He is currently involved in a number of research projects in Ghana, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. Robert is Married with 3 children.

  • Capital Flows(FDI,Aid) and Growth
  • Growth and Poverty
  • Macroeconomics



 Owusu, G., Osei R. D and Asante, F. A. (2017), Development Policies and Practices in Ghana: A Reader, Sub-saharan Africa Publishers, Accra, Ghana, Accra, Ghana. ISBN: 978-9988-550-70-7

 Aryeetey E., Osei R.D and Quartey, P (2014), Managing Ghana’s Oil Boom for Structural Transformation, Sub-saharan Africa Publishers, Accra, Ghana, Accra, Ghana. ISBN: 978-9964-75-092-3



 Osei R. D. and Osei-Akoto I (2017). Evaluating Development Projects: The Case of Pilot land Registration in Awutu Senya District. In Owusu, G., Osei R. D and Asante, F. A. (Eds), Development Policies and Practices in Ghana: A Reader, (pp. 242-265). Sub-saharan Africa Publishers, Accra, Ghana, Accra, Ghana. ISBN: 978-9988-550-70-7

Osei R. D. and Domfe G. (2016). Prospects of Economic Development in Ghana. In Ghanaian Panel on Economic Development Report (pp. 1-22). Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Ghana. ISBN: 9988-572-54-9


Owusu, G., Yankson, P. W. K., Osei, R. D. (2016). Youth Entrepreneurship in Ghana: Current Trends and Policies. In Gough, K., & Langevang, T. (Eds), Young Entreprenuers in Sub-Saharan Africa, (pp. 32-47), Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-84459-9


 Osei, R. D. & Domfe G. (2014). Macroeconomic Implications of Oil Booms: Lessons for Ghana. In Aryeetey, E. Osei, R. D. & Quartey, P. (Eds.), Managing Ghana’s Oil Boom for Structural Transformation, (pp. 75-94) Sub-Saharan Africa Publishers. ISBN: 978-9964-75-092-3


 Karlan, D., Banerjee, A., Duflo, E., Goldberg, N., Osei, R., Parienté, W., Shapiro, J., Thuysbaert, B. & Udry, C. (2015). A Multi-faceted Program Causes Lasting Progress for the Very Poor: Evidence from Six Countries, Science, 348(6236), 1260799

Langevang, T., Gough, K. V.,, Yankson, P. W. K., Osei, R., & Owusu, G. (2015). Bounded Entrepreneurial Vitality: The Mixed Embeddedness of Female Entrepreneurship, Economic Geography Journal, 91: 449–473. doi: 10.1111/ecge.1209


 Karlan, D. Osei, R. D. Osei-Akoto, I & Udry, C. (2014). Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(2.), 597-652

PHD Development Studies – Poverty Analysis

This course provides an understanding to both conceptual and practical issues associated with empirical analysis of poverty. This course draws heavily on the available literature, including the World Bank’s materials on the analysis of poverty in developing countries, to provide students with a balanced discussion of theory and principles with numerous practical examples and exercises.
