The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana, Legon  organises four (4) Short Courses for Policy Makers, Analysts, Programme Implementers, Consultants, Monitoring and Evaluation Practitioners in Government, Ministries, District Assemblies, Private Sector, NGOs, Researchers, Students, etc. 
The courses aim to equip participants with useable operational skills, methods and techniques that are very relevant to solving developmental problems particularly in these post-COVID-19 times. Participants’ FULL participation is required during the period.

If you are in doubt about the suitability of any of the courses for your needs, please contact the Course Coordinator through the ISSER Office.

The profession and practice of monitoring and evaluation are still evolving. Experiences and innovations in the Africa, including those based on indigenous contexts, cultures and ways of knowing and doing, offer significant potential to enhance monitoring and evaluation theory and practice. Monitoring and Evaluation is a relatively new field that has emerged from a diverse array of applied social sciences. Although it is practice-oriented, there has been a proliferation of programs in monitoring and evaluation that just prescribe to theory than actual practice. The Executive Leadership Program in Monitoring and Evaluation for Public and Private Sectors is being designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice.  It is being led by a team of professionals who combines years of extensive practical experience in monitoring and evaluation for development in international institutions as well as Africa-based organizations. They are rooted in practical experience gained in many very different parts of the world, yet are fully aware of all the theories and practices that have shaped evaluation as a profession.

Program Goals: To advance evaluation theory and practice in support of sustained and resilient development in countries and regions in Africa and the Global South

Program Purpose: To address gaps in the evaluative capabilities and knowledge of development executives, M&E professional and non-professionals and policy makers in Africa and other Global South countries in the use of monitoring and evaluation evidence for decision making and development actions.

Course Objectives:

Course Content:

The course offers intensive training that will cover the fundamental concepts and tools for monitoring and evaluating public and private sector development programs. The course will include all elements that are needed to design, build and implement effective monitoring and evaluation plans for organization and institutions in Africa.


This course will be run in a workshop-style using classroom lectures and executive learning methodologies. Group work and individual project development will be worked on during the two weeks. Workshops provide a space for participants to learn from each other by sharing knowledge and experiences, and also for each individual to develop an action plan for the institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation plan for their organization and institutions with follow-up coaching provided on an individualized basis.


Participants should have a basic understanding and appreciation for monitoring and evaluation and be in a position to use the concepts and principles of monitoring and evaluation to Assess outcomes and impacts of public and private investment, Capture the progress, success and failures of interventions, program and policy, Inform  management decisions, strategic planning and risk management, Provide accountability to development stakeholders and Contribute to broader knowledge and learning in the field of sustainable development.

To achieve these outcomes, full participation is required.  There will be no passive learning.  Participants will get opportunities to share their experiences and best practices regarding designing monitoring and evaluations plans and also individual coaching and mentoring in developing action plans for their organizations.

The course is aimed at: Public and Private Directors and Managers, M&E Professional and non-Professionals, Policy Makers in Africa and other Global South countries, Evaluation Consultants/practitioners, Evaluation Steering Committee members, and those commissioning evaluations.


Duration: Mon, April 8 – Fri, April 19, 2024 (2 weeks)

Course Fee for participants             - GH¢ 5,000.00

DEADLINE for application: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Course Description
The course provides an overview of the entire research process from proposal development to writing of the research report. It includes the most current data collection and analysis techniques in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
The course carefully balances an understanding of basic principles of research with practical ‘how-to’ skills, using a combination of lectures and in-class exercises. The course instructors are from ISSER and relevant departments in the University of Ghana with years of teaching and research experience. 

Course Content

  • Proposal Writing
  • Research Design
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology
  • Sampling Procedures
  • Design of Questionnaires and Interview Guides
  • Data Collection Techniques and Field Skills
  • Data Analysis
  • Research Report Writing

The course is ideal for those whose work demands practical research skills or who want to gain a firmer understanding of research. This will include persons working in the corporate world, in the public sector and in research consultancies. 

Duration: Mon, September 2 – Fri, September 13, 2024    (2 weeks) 

Course Fee for participants -   GH¢3,800.00

DEADLINE for application: Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Course Description
This is an intensive course on basic principles and methods of data processing (data entry, cleaning and verification) and statistical data analysis applicable in various fields of study. The emphasis will be on the choice of method for a particular data set and interpretation of results. There will be hands-on training.

Course Content

  • Data Management
  • Building Data Management Strategy
  • Using SPSS and STATA in Data Management and Analysis
  • Analysis
  • Basic Statistical Tools for Data Analysis
  • Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
  • Analysis of Relationships
  • Introduction to Advanced Statistical Techniques
  • Practical Exercises in Data Management and Analysis.  

The course will be useful to individuals interested in learning both the theoretical basis and the practical techniques for analysing data for research projects. 
Participants are required to have prior knowledge of basic statistics and also come along with their laptops of the following minimum requirement:
o    64 bit Operating System
o    Windows 7 or 8 or 10
o    Ram 2 or 4 GB


Duration:    Mon, September 16 – Fri, September 27, 2024    (2 weeks)

Course Fee for participants      -   GH¢4,000.00

DEADLINE for application: Wednesday. September 11, 2024

Course Description
This is a unique course which provides practical knowledge and skills on how to effectively manage projects from inception through implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The course is taught by senior academics together with experienced project planners and monitoring and evaluation specialists. It also combines theory with computer-based software on Project Cycle Management. This programme will be extremely useful for professionals wishing to consolidate their knowledge of project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Course Content
Project Planning and Appraisal

  • Project Planning Perspectives/Concepts
  • Project Identification
  • Project Cycle Components
  • Managing the Project Cycle Sequence
  • Project framework
  • Logical Framework
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Critical Incidents Analysis
  • Sustainability of Projects
  • Participatory Approaches to Projects and Community Management
  • Project Action Plan
  • Project Appraisal 
  • Principles of Project Appraisal
  • Techniques and Criteria
  • Financial and Economic Analysis of Projects
  • Analysis of the Social, Distributive Environmental Impacts of Projects

Dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects

  • Key Distinctions Between Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Participatory Monitoring and Participatory Evaluation
  • Policy Analysis Matrix for Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Causal Pathway of Analysis for Project Monitoring 
  • Evaluation as a Means of Analyzing Project, Policy and Process
  • Feedback and Completion of the Project
  • Introduction to Software for Project Cycle Management 

Practical Exercises in Project Cycle Management 
Participants will have a field trip, hands-on training and interact with a project team, apply the techniques learnt and prepare a project report. The course is interactive with practical exercises after completing key topics.

The course will be relevant to project officers, development consultants, budget and planning officers of Ministries, Departments and Agencies, District Assemblies, NGOs, Social Services Groups, Researchers, Students, Private Entrepreneurs, etc.

Duration: Mon, September 30 – Fri, October 11, 2024    (2 weeks)

Course Fee for participants -   GH¢3,800.00

DEADLINE for application: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

For invoices, more information and suitability of any of the courses for your needs, kindly contact

The Short Courses Coordinator,

Institute of Statistical, Social & Economic

Research (ISSER),

P.O. Box LG 74, University of Ghana, Legon.

Tel: 057 769 9900 / 057 769 9902



Accommodation (Optional)


We will provide information (on request) about accommodation at halls of residence at the University of Ghana and in hotels near the campus.



Bank details:

Account Name: Inst. of Stats. Soc. & Econ. Res.


Bank: Ghana Commercial Bank

Account Number: 1031130003734

Branch: Legon