ISSER Faculty

Dr. Kofi Takyi Asante

Kofi Takyi Asante is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana. His research lies at the intersection of political, economic, and historical sociology. His substantive research areas include colonialism and state formation, citizenship, governance, and development.

Dr. Elizabeth A. Asante

Dr E.A Asante is a Research Fellow at ISSER. She brings to projects her research and analytical skills as a Sociologist. Dr. Asante has a BA in Sociology from the University of Ghana, an MSc in Sociology from the LSE, University of London, an MA from Queens’s University, Canada and a PhD from York University, Toronto Canada. As a Sociologist, her research interests are extensive. Dr. Asante has carried out commissioned research for the Government of Ghana, the World Bank, UNESCO, DFID, NIH among others.

Dr. Ralph Armah

Ralph Armah is a research fellow at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER). He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Kansas State University, where he was a scholar of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab on the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss. Ralph received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Ghana and was a scholar at North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

Dr. Andrew Agyei-Holmes

Andrew Agyei-Holmes is a native of Akyem Tafo in the Eastern Region of Ghana and has lived and worked in the UK (National Energy Foundation) and in Tanzania (Mzumbe University) as a s Researcher. Between June 2015 and June 2018, he worked at the World Bank, Washington D.C, USA as a Consultant in the Chief Economist’s Office, Africa Region.  Since the beginning of 2018, Andrew has been a Research Fellow at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana.

Prof. Simon Bawakyillenuo

He is a Human Geographer. Currently he is a Senior Research Fellow and the Head of Statistics and Survey Division at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. He attained his PhD in Human Geography and MSc in Environmental Policy and Management from the University of Hull, UK, in 2007 and 2003 respectively.

Dr. Aba Obrumah Crentsil

Aba Obrumah Crentsil is a Research Fellow with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economics Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana. Her research focuses on the interactions between populations and their environments (climate and energy), evaluation planning, urban planning and how to accommodate research in above fields by using planning supporting systems such as geographic information systems (GIS) and other computer-aided planning tools. Aba also have over 8 years’ experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative research.