
Research is at the core of ISSER’s mandate, and from it spring other areas of activity, such as research dissemination and policy advice, and capacity building. Our research spans 14 major themes: (1) Agriculture and Economic Transformation (2) Digitalization and Development (3) COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience across all sectors (4) Climate change and Green Development (5) Development Financing (6) Social Mobilization and Social Protection (7) Political Economy and Governance (8) Human Capital Development and Socio-Economic Transformation (9) Energy and the extractives sector (10) Gender and Development (11) Health and Development (12) Globalization and Trade (13) Policy Making (Focus on Ghana) (14) Urbanization and National Development.

Besides own independent research, ISSER does commissioned research and provides significant consultancy and advocacy support to government agencies, development partners and the private sector. ISSER-initiated research is generally driven by observed development problems, the needs of Ghana and other developing countries, while maintaining a focus on the academic purpose of the institute by adding to existing knowledge about society and development

Research themes we’re working on