Future of Work RFP draws strong response in Central and West Africa

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Future of Work RFP draws strong response in Central and West Africa

The Future of Work (FoW) Research Initiative, Central and West Africa Hub, is pleased to announce the successful closure of its first Request for Proposals (RFP). The call, which officially closed on August 2, 2024, received an impressive response with nearly 100 completed applications.

This enthusiastic participation underscores the growing interest in understanding the ongoing transformations in the world of work,” said Prof. Peter Quartey, Director of ISSER. “The need for region-specific evidence to support relevant policy recommendations is clear, and this strong response reaffirms the critical importance of the FoW for the West and Central Africa region.

The participation of research entities across the two regions has significantly broadened the reach and impact of the initiative, ensuring that the crucial issues of the future of work are addressed across the diverse contexts of Central and West Africa.

As we move into the next phase, applicants should be aware of the following steps:

Selection Process: All submitted applications will undergo a rigorous evaluation process. Successful applicants will be notified once the review is complete.

Due Diligence: Selected proposals will be subject to due diligence checks to ensure they align with the goals of the FoW initiative.

Inception Meeting: Successful applicants will be invited to an inception meeting, where project expectations and subsequent steps will be discussed.

The FoW project team thanks all applicants and looks forward to the valuable insights that will emerge from this initiative and the contributions they will make to the future of work in Central and West Africa. For further inquiries or additional information, please contact the FoW team at fow.isser@ug.edu.gh.